Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dress for Success II at the Lavelle School for the Blind

That’s what I’ve got
Originality, that’s what’s hot!
Everyday we wear
something different,
Why you ask? Because
it’s true.
Some of us like to look
Some of us like to look
brand new.
My friend Shelly she
likes to match
Her mood to what she’s
wearing that day.
My friend Solange she
always has
Earrings to match her
colorful glasses.
My friend Ashley she
likes to wear sweats,
She’s always so well

Last week, Ms. Shawna recorded all the songs, and they will be soon compiled into a CD.
Following the recording, students started discussing dress codes and the dos and don’ts of mixing and matching various items to form an outfit. For instance, you should avoid wearing slacks and a shirt with two different prints/patterns; instead, select one in a solid color to be paired with a patterned piece, or another non-patterned item. Students put together some outfits using the principles discussed in class (see pictures).

Thanksgiving at PS 201

Students from Ms. Hertler’s gathered around a table to savor a pumpkin pie and give their thanks.
They first set the table: tablecloth, plates and silverware (fork to the left, knife and spoon to the right) and, of course, napkins. To top it off, they added a bouquet, also called a “centerpiece,” the kind of decorative table accent that students had talked about in a previous class. While Ms. Marie was preparing the pie, the group shared their Thanksgiving Day traditions with Mr. Pete, talking about people with whom they celebrate the holiday, what they eat and things they do to mark the day.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Back to the New York Institute for Special Education, with Style!

Students at the NYISE talked about fashion choices and their personal style. Sixth graders Giovanni, Esmeralda, Lunique, JP, Katora, and Paula said it in a song:

I look cool
I look hot
I look cute today
I look punk rock
I look comfortable
I look fresh today
I am awesome in my own way x2
Everyday x2

I like wearing my gold earrings
I like wearing my flavored lip gloss
I like my watches in different colors
I like being a fashionista
My hair clips stand out from the crowd
I like wearing darker colors

I like looking fresh all the time

I look cool
I look hot
I look cute today

I look punk rock
I look comfortable
I look fresh today
I am awesome in my own way x2
Everyday x2

Other classes are working on their songs. More to come…

School is back in session

Art Beyond Sight is back at P.S 201 in Queens with its Dress for Success and Come to the Table programs. Shalim, Maisha, Dean, and others in Ms. Agait’s class worked on zipping. Mr. Pete (ABS’s Peter Galub) wrote a new song to help them.

A zipper is like a train (a zipper is like a train)
And a train needs a track (a train needs a track)
Put one hand on the train, the other on the track
Join that train, to its track.
Ride it uptown
And don't look back

Pete Galub says: “Most New Yorkers ride the trains everyday, and so the metaphor of trains and tracks was one I thought the kids at PS 201 could related to- hence, "A Zipper is Like a Train" The musical structure follows a country/blues form in the style of someone like Johnny Cash. I tried to make it playful, catchy, and somewhat educational. The kids liked singing it and it the subject of trains and going places kept them engaged in the activity.”

Ms. Hertler’s class discussed table etiquette and practiced their dining skills. Elizabeth and Mr. Pete went to the restaurant “Chez Marie” where Rida, their waitress, taught them about correct place setting and proper table manners. Need help remembering the order of the utensils? Here’s a trick: Just follow the alphabet as you place utensils from left to right, i.e., place them in alphabetical order. F for Fork comes first, followed by K for the knife, and S for the spoon. Students also practiced using their forks and knives to cut food, starting with bananas.